creating my protagonist ★ a writing day vlog

hello cinnamon bun

honestly in the past few weeks i've barely done any writing. and i'm okay with that because i'm trying to keep it fun, and balanced, and not pressurize it till all the joy is pressed out.

back in mid-april i did a big-ol' writing day, and decided to take you along with me.

right now i'm in the low ebb of my cycle now, having spent almost a week in my period hermit cave and the whole day yesterday in bed.

so it's been funny editing this vlog, watching myself a few weeks ago at peak energy bouncing around my house like a cannonball.

for this writing day, i was focusing on creating the protagonist for my new novel.

so, get your cuppa, get comfy and enjoy the vlog ✌️

👆click to watch 👆

love and magic,

Rachael ⚡️✨

handy links